Season’s Greetings

I wish to all of you the best of the season and good cheer in the new year.

Best intentions have not meant I actually posted all our walks in Sonoma County, Marin County, Morro Bay, East Bay and a fine trip to Nevada and southwest Utah. But hey they were great. You would have loved them.

But having recovered from my broken leg, I am scheduled to have my other knee replaced. I have asked the doctor to also replace my desire to write. I’m sure he removed it last year by mistake.

I did manage recently to walk down these stairs to the beach in Lincoln City Oregon and back up. Yeah! With tourist ignorance. There is a shorter access point nearby.

Sonoma County continues to recover from the fires. More parks are open. Neighborhoods are still frightening to pass through, but debris is being removed and many people will rebuild. Our heart aches with new understanding for the people in Southern California.

These pictures are from Sonoma Valley Regional Park that reopened a couple of weeks. Memorials and ghosts of fallen trees and yet beautiful.

Best of everything to all of you.



Published by Lynn Millar

Walker, reader, writer, traveller - see About Walking

12 thoughts on “Season’s Greetings

  1. What a beautiful post, Lynn. You always bring such appreciation for nature and a wonderful sense of humor. Season’s Greetings to you!

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